The Uptight Suburbanite is a Sophisticated Little Monthly with Attitude targeting consumers living and shopping along the Suburban corridors of Montgomery” “Bucks Counties. Mailed directly to a potential 55,000 area residences and businesses, The Uptight Suburbanite is also deposited at select drop-off spots along the route. It’s a market-specific publication that gets you to your customer in a cost effective manner.
All ad preparation is done by skilled graphic artists at no additional charge. Experienced marketing professionals consult, at no extra charge, to make sure your ad is sending out your message effectively. And above all, The Uptight Suburbanite is owned and managed by seasoned publishing professionals who know that if you succeed they will succeed. They work hard to see that happens.
Fun to read, The Uptight Suburbanite is a “looked for” publication by all alike. With coupons for savings, notices of special offerings and some uniquely “suburban” commentary thrown in, advertisers are indispensable to its thousands of readers.
Click the PDF to Read More: Uptight Suburbanite Media Kit 2022.pdf