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Neat vs. Organized – What Is The Difference?

Neat vs. Organized – What Is The Difference?

A neat and tidy area doesn’t necessarily mean it’s organized. An organized area doesn’t necessary mean it neat and tidy.

I have been asked to write my article this month on this topic.
I can understand many would be confused about the difference between the two.
Dictionary.com defines “neat” as “in a pleasingly orderly and clean condition”. A room that is “neat” looks and feels good. They define “organize” as “to systematize”. When your room is “organized”, it may still look and feel good, but what’s most important is that you can find the things you need when you need them.
A neat and tidy area doesn’t necessarily mean it’s organized. An organized area doesn’t necessary mean it’s neat and tidy.
The goals for being neat are different from the goals for being organized. The goal for being neat and tidy is to see something visu- ally appealing or staged. The goal for being organized is all about functionality and efficiency. Tasks in that area are easier to do so you can do them a lot faster and you can maintain them better in the long run.
You don’t want to put the cart before the horse! Declutter and organize the space first and then make it neat and tidy. Once you have organized an area, you can then purchase the baskets and the containers to make it all pretty (a/k/a neat and tidy).
If you find decluttering and organizing too challenging, don’t hesitate to hire a professional organizer, such as myself, to get you past what is overwhelming and create A Better Space that is functional and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. 

Audrey Cupo Professional Organizer A BETTER SPACE (215)491-5193
betterspace@comcast.net | www.4abetterspace.com
WINNER – BEST OF BUCKS 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

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